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smart light with a light level display on a phone screen
March 01, 2022

Simple Ideas To Use Smart Lighting In Your Chattanooga Home

From the upstairs bed and bathrooms to the basement and family room, light bulbs throughout your living space are a necessity. That said, are you seizing the maximum from your lighting? Why not improve how you make use of light by integrating smart lighting technology throughout your Chattanooga home.

What Is Smart Lighting In Chattanooga

To begin - what is a smart light? These LED bulbs connect via the internet and allows a homeowner complete mastery over your property’s lighting. All with the help of an mobile app -- like a home security app.

Dim individual bulbs to any point without a dimmer knob, or check on your smartphone to see if you accidentally left a light on. Set your lights to turn on at a predetermined time -- like when you wake up in the morning -- and switch off automatically when it's bedtime. You can even tweak your lights to automatically create to the perfect mood, like at 20% when you're trying to watch movie night. You can even sync your smart bulbs to Google Nest or Alexa or and operate your bulbs through your voice.

Smart Bulbs Syncs With A Security System For The Ideal Combination

Ease-of-use is not the only feature of smart bulbs, though. Placing smart lighting are a fantastic method to improve your home security. Well-lit houses are a [[hindrance|impediment|deterrent] to trespassers. Crooks want to conceal their identity and withhold their presence in the shadows.

A home stocked with smart lights are able to be controlled by a Chattanooga smart home automation that’s a function of a home security. You can program light patterns that replicate normal activity within the home, making it seem like residents are moving from one area to another. By having your smart bulbs flip on and off around the building, anyone who might be casing your home will think that are home and moving around..

Spots To Install Smart Bulbs

You don’t have to retrofit your whole house to make use of smart bulbs. In your Chattanooga home, the majority of smart light bulbs will be suitable with your current lamps and fixtures. Start by assessing which spots you would like to make “smart” out of the gate. You do not need to swap out every individual light bulb, as It's not an one-or-none situation. If you are blown back by the concept of smart lighting, then place a single bulb and expand from there.

For the interior of your home, change out bulbs in locations with windows. First, check the lamps and fixtures in your living room, bedroom, or dining room. The goal is to shine on a window enough for the glow to be visible to those outside the home. Definitely concentrate on shining light onto the front of your main entrance as many break-ins happen through the main entryway.

As for the sides of your house, change to smart lighting around significant entrances to the home. Consider lights mounted by all doors, whether in the front, side, or back of your residence. Don't neglect the light bulb inside your garage as well. If anyone enters into your living space through the garage, you can switch on that garage light with a tap of a button.

Install Your Chattanooga Smart Lighting With Your Home Security System

Smart lights are a cinch to install and convenient to use. With the expertise of a security technician, you can see ways to leverage smart light bulbs in conjunction with your new home security system. Speak to an expert at (423) 241-8594 or submit the form below.